The Winter BluesA few weeks ago, I was in the mountains doing one of my favorite things in the whole world; hiking in the woods along Bear Creek. It had snowed a couple of days before and the sun playfully peeked out of the clouds every now and then to add its smiley brightness to the landscape. On this partly cloudy day, the touches of blue really caught my eye. The blues gave me a quiet, peaceful feeling as I walked along the trail. I was not at all sad, just tranquil and serene. Color has such a powerful way of enhancing our mood sometimes. We don't often see a lot of blue in nature except for the sky and its reflection on the water. Even in the kaleidoscope of flower colors, true blues are rare. So on this pretty day in the woods, it was really wonderful to see all these lovely shades of blue! As you venture outside to explore the natural world in all its beauty and stillness this season, may you enjoy plenty of winter blues! Happy holidays, dear friends! With warm wishes and love for nature, New Painting Sneak Peek!Greenback cutthroat trout are making a comeback! Thanks to responsible land management and aquatic conservation efforts here in Colorado, these beautiful natives are being watched over with care and populations of healthy fish are increasing. Hooray! I'm excited to share my new painting in the upcoming spring post! Here's a sneak peek at one of the fish. And if you look closely, you'll see she's leaving a little sparkle of her presence as she swims through the water. A healthy aquatic system needs fish to maintain balance just as much as the fish need the water. We're all one with nature and the world around us! Conservation CornerTo save trees and money on wrapping paper, why not re-use last year's bows and paper? Another nifty idea is to use recycled brown paper and decorate it with little spots of white paint. Or liquid correction fluid does the trick, too! The paper will look like falling snow, and oh so festive!
Hike at Three SistersThe Three Sisters trail system in Evergreen has a little something for everyone! You can weave in and out of various loops and connecting trails, and even head down to Bear Creek or Evergreen Lake to relax by the water. I had a great hike just wandering here and there, and everywhere! No agenda, just letting nature guide me. How much fun! Happy holidays, dear nature peeps!May you have a wonderful time with family and friends, enjoying our natural world together! I'd love to hear from you! What blues do you see out in nature in your neck of the woods?
Please leave a comment below!
Laura Schaff
12/20/2020 12:45:48 pm
Looks beautiful! Can't wait to see the finished product!
2/28/2021 11:52:50 am
Thanks so much, Laura!!
Leigh Ann Bradley
12/21/2020 09:55:03 am
I am truly inspired by your Winter 2020 notes! I can't wait to see your cutthroat trout painting finished!
2/28/2021 11:53:41 am
Thank you, Leigh Ann! I sure appreciate your wonderful note! Comments are closed.
With love and appreciation for the natural world, I'm inspired to share how plants and animals are connected to one another, to their ecosystem homes, and to people around the world. I bring into visual form the concept of biodiversity and the unity of all life. I hope my art helps you feel your own special connection to the land, the water, and all precious life on Earth. In our connection, lies hope. ~ Rebecca Archives
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