Adventures with BirdsOver the last few months, I've had some interesting adventures...with birds! From a great blue heron to a tiny hummingbird, from a swallow family who stayed all summer to a sharp-shinned hawk who visited for only a few minutes, I've been amazed at the feathered friends coming into my life! The first adventure was with a great blue heron. Mid-day I noticed a very large bird on the small deck outside my bedroom. The heron had somehow landed there and then wasn't able to get enough space to spread her massive wings and launch into flight. As I approached the frightened bird, she tried to squeeze through the deck railing, but her shoulders were too big to fit through. I had to do something quick to alleviate the heron's increasing stress. So I went inside and grabbed a big towel, then went out and wrapped it around the bird as I folded in her wings. I lifted her up over the railing and let her go! The beautiful heron began flying and soared to a nearby tree overlooking Cherry Creek. She stayed there all afternoon, overnight, and was gone later the next morning. I'm so grateful this story had a happy ending!
The third adventure was with a very focused sharp-shinned hawk. I was working at the computer one day when I heard a commotion coming from the front door and pass-through hallway. I thought, what it in the world is happening out there?!! I looked out the peephole just in time to see a hawk flying straight towards me and my front door! Bam! The hawk appeared to be trying to grab the little decorations on my wreath. Then he flew over to the railing near the stairs. I opened the door and walked slowly towards the bird to encourage him to fly back to the natural area which he did. Wow! What a strange event for a hawk to venture in to such an enclosed space like this! My last memorable adventure with birds this season was with a delightful little hummingbird. I was hiking up in Evergreen and as I came out of a dense conifer forest towards Bear Creek, I stopped to take a swig of water. Hum...hummm. I heard what sounded like a huge bee hovering near me. As I slowly turned my head, I saw instead a beautiful ruby-throated hummingbird! She must have been attracted to my bright orange hiking shorts. I stayed as still as possible, and the hummer flew all around me for a minute or two. I could feel the slight breeze from her wings. It was simply magical! I wonder...did these birds come into my life for a reason? To share a message with me or to help me focus on specific things in my life? A dear friend gave me a book called Animal Speak with summaries and specific guidance from creatures great and small. According to the book, these are the messages from the birds who came to visit me. Heron: self reliance & determination Swallow: protection & warmth for the home Hawk: soul purpose & creative energy Hummingbird: joy & the nectar of life. Considering what's been happening in my life over the past few months, this guidance was right on!!!
This was another beautiful reminder of the miracles of nature right outside our door. A big thank you to all the birds who came to visit me this season and for sharing their inspiring messages! With love for nature, New Home for Butterflies!
Finding Harmony in NatureI recently read an excellent article about how nature brings us back into balance and harmony. Especially during the pandemic, we can use all the help we can get to increase our well-being. Nature can calm us and alleviate so much stress. Science continues to show that time spent in the natural world helps us feel peaceful and connected. Nature not only calms our minds, but also helps our bodies heal, and makes us more resilient to changes around us. For more wonderful inspiration, and another good excuse to take a break and get outside, here's the link to learn more! Gentle Stroll Along Bear CreekThe month of August was especially hot and dry, even for late summer in the West. It didn't even seem cool enough for a morning hike. Instead I headed for the mountains to take an especially slow, gentle stroll along Bear Creek, then relax and dip my toes in the chilly, refreshing river. It was heavenly to feel the coolness of the water and let the creek flow peacefully around me. Ahhh... I melted into a feeling of harmony and contentment. I was one with the water, the forest, and everything around me. So blissful and soul nurturing, time stood still for a little while. This restful moment was just what I needed. Thank you, Mother Nature. Wishing you a lovely fall season in harmony with the natural world...I'd love to hear from you! What inspiring creatures came to visit you this season?
Please post a comment below!
9/22/2020 11:27:52 am
You are an amazing soul!
9/22/2020 01:33:11 pm
Ditto! Nature gives us so much. It's an honor to give back! : )
Leigh Ann Bradley
9/23/2020 01:35:04 pm
The messages from the birds that visited you this summer, certainly are right on! Those messages describe you perfectly! I especially love the story about the Great Blue Heron. Good thing the heron landed on your balcony no one else would have thought to put a towel around the bird and lift it off the railing but you!
9/23/2020 05:04:31 pm
Leigh, thanks for your note! Yes, the birds' messages were right on, weren't they?!!! I sure love our connection with Nature. What an amazing gift! : ) Comments are closed.
With love and appreciation for the natural world, I'm inspired to share how plants and animals are connected to one another, to their ecosystem homes, and to people around the world. I bring into visual form the concept of biodiversity and the unity of all life. I hope my art helps you feel your own special connection to the land, the water, and all precious life on Earth. In our connection, lies hope. ~ Rebecca Archives
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