Inspiring Conservation at the Teton Raptor CenterAs summer transitions to fall, I'm ever grateful for the many inspiring conservationists who often cross our path. These are people who honor and appreciate nature simply for its beauty, and intangible gifts of balance, peace and harmony that it shares so freely. Many of these nature lovers tirelessly devote their time and talents to organizations around the globe, organizations with very unique missions to help preserve our natural world. Mom and I recently took a much-needed break for a few days to visit our family in Wyoming. We hadn't been there in years. My aunt Carolyn loves nature and wild places, and during our visit she treated us to a special afternoon at the Teton Raptor Center near Jackson. TRC's mission is to advance raptor conservation through education, research and rehabilitation. Carolyn had made reservations for us to attend a presentation featuring some of the Center's ambassador birds. As soon as we entered the nature center, we were greeted by smiling, happy volunteers who couldn't wait to share information about TRC's mission. These folks sparkled with bright enthusiasm for conservation and deep passion for these birds. Mom, Carolyn and I couldn't help but be inspired too and excited to learn more! (Please click here to explore TRC.) During the educational program, we had front row seats to meet Gus, a golden eagle, Pava, a Swainson's hawk, and Cache, an American kestrel. We were mesmerized by these beautiful creatures and being so close to them was amazing. The birds were wise and keenly aware of everything going on around them. (Click on their names above to meet these incredible ambassadors!) Seeing these raptors and hearing their stories helps TRC connect people, not only to wildlife, but to ways they can continue to be involved. This event was just awesome and we discovered what a huge difference these birds and their caregivers make for conservation. A big high five to TRC! With warm appreciation for nature lovers everywhere, New Homes for Bumble Bees!Since the summer edition of Nature Noes, two bumble bee images found their new homes with two amazing nature lovers! Conservation Corner & the Poo Poo ProjectOne of the Teton Raptor Center's impactful programs is called the Poo-Poo Project. What in the world is the Poo-Poo Project, you ask? It's a one-of-a-kind, unique conservation initiative that focuses on installing screens at the top of open vertical pipes that are used on many vault toilets in outhouses and open space restrooms found in national, state and local parks. Many raptors such as owls and other birds enter the ventilation pipe and then get stuck, unable to find their way out. The TRC screens that are installed on top of the vertical pipes keep wildlife from entering and being trapped. How cool! Click here to learn more! So the next time you're out hiking or enjoying a natural area, take a peek around. If you see a park restroom with a ventilation pipe and no screen on top to prevent wildlife from accessing it, contact TRC so they can follow up and a screen can be installed. Our wonderful avian friends will thank you! Walk Along the Tallman Gulch TrailThe inviting trails near home are such a welcome and peaceful retreat from the busyness of daily life, and beautiful signs of fall are beginning to paint the landscape. It never gets old and every year I look forward to the cooler weather and all the gorgeous fall colors. Tallman Gulch is a lovely walk, not far from "downtown" Parker and a comforting place to enjoy a little quiet time. So here's to exploring our favorite local trails where we can nestle ourselves in nature and birdsong, and where we can find balance and renewal. And here's to a beautiful fall! Enjoy a wonderful fall season, dear friends of nature! |
With love and appreciation for the natural world, I'm inspired to share how plants and animals are connected to one another, to their ecosystem homes, and to people around the world. I bring into visual form the concept of biodiversity and the unity of all life. I hope my art helps you feel your own special connection to the land, the water, and all precious life on Earth. In our connection, lies hope. ~ Rebecca Archives
December 2024
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